Neil Francis
Neil Francis

VeriCall to deliver 200 jobs to Fife with Scottish Enterprise Support

Fife is to receive a major jobs boost after VeriCall announced plans to open a flagship UK Contact Centre in


Fife is to receive a major jobs boost after VeriCall announced plans to open a flagship UK Contact Centre in Kirkcaldy, following a £1m Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) grant from Scottish Enterprise.

VeriCall will create 209 jobs over the next two years once the company moves into Lomond House at the town’s John Smith Business Park.

Welcoming the news, Scottish Government Minister for Business, Fair Work & Skills, Jamie Hepburn, said: “I am delighted that VeriCall have chosen to locate their new flagship UK Contact Centre in Kirkcaldy, a major boost to the local economy. This £1 million grant is an example of how the Scottish Government, through Scottish Enterprise, are working to support inward investment to communities across Scotland, helping to create new jobs and attract new investment.

“Fair work is at the heart of the Scottish Government’s employability strategy and research shows paying the real living wage can enhance productivity, reduce absenteeism, and improve staff morale and therefore I am delighted that these new jobs will pay the Scottish Living Wage, reflecting VeriCall’s commitment to their staff. 

“We will continue to work with VeriCall to ensure they deliver on their ambitions plans for the new centre in Fife and hope that it will attract further investment to the region.”

Founded in 2017, VeriCall has attributed its growth to recognising that consumers increasingly wish to engage with businesses via social media or direct messaging services whilst also having the ability to complete all the same activity that was previously dealt with over the phone.

Due to the technology approach adopted by VeriCall they are able to blend the traditional and emerging contact channels to deliver improved customer experiences that meet modern expectations in a cost effective manner, a key attractant to potential clients.   

Managing Director of VeriCall, Adam Taylor, said: “I am delighted to be launching our flagship Contact Centre in Kirkcaldy. Whilst researching potential locations we were drawn to the warm and accommodating nature encountered in Fife which matches the manner in which we wish to represent our clients. 

“Fife Council also demonstrated a desire to cultivate innovative, technology focussed businesses to create sustainable employment opportunities for future generations. This is an aim I am personally motivated to assist with.”

Scottish Enterprise provide RSA grants to investment projects that will create and safeguard employment in selected areas of Scotland. In the financial year 2017/18, Scottish Enterprise offered £14m in RSA grant funding to 75 companies to support expansion plans and job creation.

Scottish Enterprise worked in partnership with Fife Council to attract VeriCall to the Kingdom, fending off competition from other UK locations.

Scottish Development International’s Director of International Trade & Investment operations, Neil Francis, said: “VeriCall has shown a real desire to locate its flagship contact centre in Kirkcaldy, so I am very pleased that this £1m RSA grant from Scottish Enterprise has allowed the company to lay down roots in Fife.

“Attracting inward investment to communities across Scotland remains a priority for Scottish Enterprise. I am very hopeful the commitment demonstrated by VeriCall to Kirkcaldy will encourage other companies to look at Fife as a place to locate and grow their business. I look forward to following the progress of VeriCall with great interest.”

Interim Chief Officer, Business & Employability at Fife Council, Gordon Mole, added: “It’s great news for mid Fife to have VeriCall establish its headquarters and senior management team in Kirkcaldy.

The Scottish Government and Fife Council set up the Fife Task Force to assist the area, following local job losses. Part of that work involved providing ready to go premises in John Smith Business Park, alongside other technology firms.  Close and effective partnership working with Invest In Fife, the Council’s Economic Development property team and Opportunities Fife has allowed VeriCall to meet the very demanding client time deadlines.”

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