Plans unveiled for stronger European Space Agency presence in UK and space skills training

A plan to build on the success of the European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT), which employs more


A plan to build on the success of the European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT), which employs more than 100 people in Harwell, has been launched today by the UK and European space agencies.

The joint plan, unveiled during the Farnborough International Airshow, includes strengthening work on the centre’s 5G/6G hub with a focus on satellite telecommunications and the wider applications of satellite services, which already support around £360 billion of UK GDP.

The space agencies will explore the potential for a space quantum technologies laboratory and the further development of activities related to in-orbit servicing, assembly and manufacturing – vital for improving sustainability, prolonging the lifetime of satellites in orbit, and delivering new services to businesses and citizens.

The UK Space Agency has also announced five new projects, worth £2.1 million, to help tackle key skills gaps identified by the UK space industry. The funding will boost the availability of training programmes, courses and other learning interventions that can break down barriers to opportunities within this fast-growing, high-tech sector.

The projects will be led by the universities of Edinburgh, Leicester and Portsmouth, the Royal Institute of Navigation, and Plastron Training, a specialist provider of training services focused on safety in the commercial space sector.

UK Space Agency CEO Dr Paul Bate said:

“As a founding member of the European Space Agency, UK scientists and engineers contribute to global scientific and commercial space endeavors, furthering human knowledge and bringing the benefits of space technologies to citizens on Earth.

“Together with ESA, we believe there is vast potential to build on the success of the ECSAT facility in Harwell, to support even more businesses, accelerate the development of new technologies and take advantage of the UK’s wider strengths in science and innovation.

“As space is a growing industry, we are also taking concrete steps to improve the availability of dedicated training programmes, which will help address skills gaps identified by the sector.”

ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher said:

“ECSAT is ESA’s home in the UK and a vital facility for ESA’s overall space ambitions. Together with the UK Space Agency we want to build on ECSAT’s leadership role in commercial space applications and telecommunications, push forward new initiatives in high-growth areas, deliver better services to all European citizens, and grow our UK-based workforce to 200 people by 2030.

“I’ve enjoyed the Farnborough international airshow and met with many current and potential future partners with whom we will work to make this shared vision a reality.”

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